DS+, BK 2023년도 제 14회 통계세미나 개최 안내(10/27(금))
2023년도 제 14회 BK 통계 세미나 개최를 안내드립니다.
고려대학교 통계학과 통계연구소, BK21 통계학교육연구팀과 DS+ 사업단 주최로 이루어지는 세미나입니다.
일시 : 2023년 10월 27일 (금) 오전 11시
장소 : 고려대학교 정경관 206호
연사 : 박대우 교수 (연세대 데이터사이언스학부)
주제 : Analyzing left-truncated disease cohort data with uncertain disease onset
Abstract : In disease cohort studies, individuals with a disease of interest are often recruited for follow-up. In the analysis with these prevalent samples, identifying the age of disease onset is essential because it plays a key role in addressing sampling bias induced by the prevalent sampling scheme. However, it is often difficult to identify age of onset for many diseases. In this talk, we present several methodologies for evaluating disease progression using the data that include subjects with interval-censored uncertain disease onset, while accounting for left-truncation. We begin by presenting a statistical method for infectious diseases, focusing on the estimation of the distribution of the incubation period in the presence of uncertain infection onset. Subsequently, we introduce a multistate modeling approach that uses the combined data from incident and prevalent cohorts to assess the natural history of dementia.
홍보 자료 : 첨부파일 확인 부탁드립니다
[온라인 세미나 참여 링크]
- Zoom ID: 813 1111 9137
- Password: Kustat123@
앞으로는 해당 링크를 2학기동안 계속해서 사용할 예정입니다.
고려대학교 통계학과 통계연구소, BK21 통계학교육연구팀과 DS+ 사업단 주최로 이루어지는 세미나입니다.
일시 : 2023년 10월 27일 (금) 오전 11시
장소 : 고려대학교 정경관 206호
연사 : 박대우 교수 (연세대 데이터사이언스학부)
주제 : Analyzing left-truncated disease cohort data with uncertain disease onset
Abstract : In disease cohort studies, individuals with a disease of interest are often recruited for follow-up. In the analysis with these prevalent samples, identifying the age of disease onset is essential because it plays a key role in addressing sampling bias induced by the prevalent sampling scheme. However, it is often difficult to identify age of onset for many diseases. In this talk, we present several methodologies for evaluating disease progression using the data that include subjects with interval-censored uncertain disease onset, while accounting for left-truncation. We begin by presenting a statistical method for infectious diseases, focusing on the estimation of the distribution of the incubation period in the presence of uncertain infection onset. Subsequently, we introduce a multistate modeling approach that uses the combined data from incident and prevalent cohorts to assess the natural history of dementia.
홍보 자료 : 첨부파일 확인 부탁드립니다
[온라인 세미나 참여 링크]
- Zoom ID: 813 1111 9137
- Password: Kustat123@
앞으로는 해당 링크를 2학기동안 계속해서 사용할 예정입니다.