DS+, BK 2023년도 1학기 제 3회 통계세미나 개최 안내(03/24(금))
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230324 제3회 통계세미나.pdf (89.4K)
2023년도 1학기 제3회 BK 통계 세미나 개최를 안내드립니다.
본 세미나는 고려대학교 통계학과 통계연구소, BK21 통계학교육연구팀과 DS+ 사업단 주최로 이루어지는 세미나입니다.
일시 : 2023년 3월 24일 (금) 오전 11시
장소 : 고려대학교 정경관 206호
연사 : 신선영 교수 (POSTECH 수학과)
주제 : Scalable statistical test for identifying disease-associated variants in regulatory DNA
Abstract : Mutations in the noncoding DNA, which represents approximately 99% of the human genome, have been crucial to understanding disease mechanisms through dysregulation of disease-associated genes. One key element in gene regulation that noncoding mutations mediate is the binding of proteins to DNA sequences. Genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and insertion and deletion of bases (InDels) may impact on the gene regulation and downstream biological processes through disruption or creation of protein-DNA binding. We develop novel tests of statistical significance using a Markov model to evaluate the impact on the binding affinity and identify genetic variants altering protein-DNA binding. The test predicts binding changer variants of regulatory significance with an efficient importance sampling algorithm generating background sequences in favor of large binding affinity changes. The application to human leukemia data uncovers candidate pathological variants on modulating binding of important transcription factors in leukemic patients.
[온라인 세미나 참여 링크]
회의 ID : 359 186 2165
암호 : KUstat123!
앞으로는 해당 링크를 1학기동안 계속해서 사용할 예정입니다.
문의 사항은 kustat@korea.ac.kr로 메일 주시기 바랍니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
본 세미나는 고려대학교 통계학과 통계연구소, BK21 통계학교육연구팀과 DS+ 사업단 주최로 이루어지는 세미나입니다.
일시 : 2023년 3월 24일 (금) 오전 11시
장소 : 고려대학교 정경관 206호
연사 : 신선영 교수 (POSTECH 수학과)
주제 : Scalable statistical test for identifying disease-associated variants in regulatory DNA
Abstract : Mutations in the noncoding DNA, which represents approximately 99% of the human genome, have been crucial to understanding disease mechanisms through dysregulation of disease-associated genes. One key element in gene regulation that noncoding mutations mediate is the binding of proteins to DNA sequences. Genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and insertion and deletion of bases (InDels) may impact on the gene regulation and downstream biological processes through disruption or creation of protein-DNA binding. We develop novel tests of statistical significance using a Markov model to evaluate the impact on the binding affinity and identify genetic variants altering protein-DNA binding. The test predicts binding changer variants of regulatory significance with an efficient importance sampling algorithm generating background sequences in favor of large binding affinity changes. The application to human leukemia data uncovers candidate pathological variants on modulating binding of important transcription factors in leukemic patients.
[온라인 세미나 참여 링크]
회의 ID : 359 186 2165
암호 : KUstat123!
앞으로는 해당 링크를 1학기동안 계속해서 사용할 예정입니다.
문의 사항은 kustat@korea.ac.kr로 메일 주시기 바랍니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다.